宾夕法尼亚州的Ringgold学区正在调查Safe2Say报告的一名学生威胁. Ringgold School District in Pennsylvania is investigating a student threat reported by Safe2Say.
华盛顿县的Ringgold学区正在调查对中学生的威胁, The Ringgold School District in Washington County, PA is investigating a threat made against middle school students, reported through the Safe2Say system. 学校区和Monongahela警察正在合作进行调查,Skrinjorich警长保证将追究肇事者的责任。 School district and Monongahela police are collaborating on the investigation, with Superintendent Skrinjorich assuring that those responsible will be held accountable. 威胁的性质尚未披露。 The nature of the threat has not been disclosed.