伯利恒警方调查威胁信息,并在利哈伊谷特许艺术高中执行安全协议。 Bethlehem police investigate threatening message, enforce safety protocols at Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts.
伯利恒警方正在调查利哈伊谷特许艺术高中的非具体威胁信息。 Bethlehem police investigate non-specific threatening message at Lehigh Valley Charter High School for the Arts. 包括封锁措施在内的安全协议已经制定,但没有立即报告危险。 Safety protocols, including lockdown measures, were enacted, but no immediate danger is reported. 课程照常进行,并在学校周围增加巡逻,作为额外的安全措施。 Classes continue as normal, with additional patrols around the school as an extra security measure. 当局敦促任何了解有关威胁信息的人联系伯利恒警察局。 Authorities urge anyone with information about the threat to contact the Bethlehem Police Department.