93%的巴黎地铁站对轮椅使用者来说仍然无法进入或部分无法进入,尽管奥运会期间有所改进。 93% of Paris Metro stations remain inaccessible or partially accessible for wheelchair users despite improvements during the Olympics.
在奥林匹克运动会期间,巴黎作出了重大努力,改善残疾人,特别是参加活动的残疾人的无障碍环境。 During the Olympics, Paris has made significant efforts to improve accessibility for people with disabilities, particularly for those attending events. 帮助57岁的轮椅使用者Ndieme Lame的在线系统在火车站提供书本援助特别有帮助。 An online system helping Ndieme Lame, a 57-year-old wheelchair user, book assistance at train stations has been particularly helpful. 然而,挑战依然存在,例如无法进入的地下地铁站。 However, challenges remain, such as inaccessible underground Metro stations. 尽管取得了这些改进,但93%的巴黎地铁站仍然无法进入,或者只有部分轮椅人员可以进入。 Despite these improvements, 93% of Paris Metro stations remain inaccessible or only partially accessible to people in wheelchairs. 该市为改善无障碍环境进行了投资,例如拨款1.25亿欧元改善工作,并创建17个“加强无障碍区”,改造公共设施和商店。 The city has made investments to enhance accessibility, such as allocating 125 million euros to improve efforts, and creating 17 "enhanced accessibility districts" where public facilities and shops are adapted.