纽约市审计发现,为非法移民提供庇护多付了2.56B美元,其中80%缺乏服务证明。 NYC audit finds $2.56B in overpayments for sheltering illegal immigrants, with 80% lacking proof of services.
纽约市主计长办公室的审计显示,上州旅馆和分包商因收容非法移民而多付了数百万美元。 NYC Comptroller's Office audit reveals millions in overpayments to upstate hotels and subcontractors for sheltering illegal immigrants. 多达80%的付款缺乏服务证明,DocGo公司收取不当佣金。 Up to 80% of payments lacked proof of services, with DocGo receiving undue commissions. 主要住有委内瑞拉、厄瓜多尔、哥伦比亚和毛里塔尼亚移民的旅馆。 Hotels primarily housed Venezuelan, Ecuadorian, Colombian, and Mauritanian immigrants. 纽约市花费4.3B美元用于移民费用,750M美元用于国家移民住房。 New York City spent $4.3B on migrant expenses, with $750M for state migrant housing.