印度的技术消费品市场在H1 2024年期间以小型/主要电器和智能手机为首,价值增长11%。 India's technical consumer goods market grew 11% in value during H1 2024, led by small/major appliances and smartphones.
印度的技术消费品市场在H1 2024年期间以小型家用电器(29%的增长)和主要家用电器(18%的增长)为驱动,增长了11%和1%。 India's technical consumer goods market grew by 11% in value and 1% in volume during H1 2024, driven by small domestic appliances (29% increase) and major domestic appliances (18% growth). 据估计, 印度的市场价值约为2万亿卢比 (约合230亿美元), 销量超过1.25亿台. The market is valued at Rs 2 lakh crore ($23bn) with over 125 million units sold. 电信部分的价值增加了10%,智能手机的价值增加了12%。 The telecom segment saw a 10% increase in value, with smartphones experiencing a 12% rise in value. GfK印度客户成功头目Anant Jain指出,印度是技术消费品行业中增长最快的大市场。 GfK India's head of customer success, Anant Jain, noted that India is the fastest-growing large market in the technical consumer goods industry. 这一溢价趋势表明,消费者正在购买高价值商品,而入门到中间部分产品的销售则减少。 This premiumisation trend indicates that consumers are purchasing high-value goods, while sales of entry-to-mid-segment products decrease.