尼日利亚总统蒂努布在德国的支持下,推动外交努力以稳定西非国家。 Nigerian President Tinubu, backed by Germany, pushes diplomatic efforts to stabilize West African nations.
尼日利亚总统博拉·蒂努布(Bola Tinubu)领导西非经共体,他誓言利用外交手段使马里、尼日尔和布基纳法索重新融入社会,优先考虑公民福利,反对违宪政府。 Nigerian President Bola Tinubu, leading ECOWAS, vows to use diplomacy to reintegrate Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, prioritizing citizens' welfare and opposing unconstitutional governments. 德国总统弗兰克-瓦尔特·施泰因迈尔支持这一做法,强调对西海岸区域的重大经济和安全影响。 German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier supports this approach, highlighting the significant economic and security impacts on the West Coast region. 两位领导人都强调维持区域稳定与合作的重要性。 Both leaders stress the importance of maintaining regional stability and cooperation.