东海岸公园漏油清理工作已经完成,允许非初级接触水运动;游泳和初级接触活动仍被禁止。 East Coast Park oil spill cleanup completed, non-primary contact water sports allowed; swimming, primary contact activities remain prohibited.
国家公园委员会(NParks)宣布完成东海岸公园的漏油清理工作,为非初级接触水运动重新开放海滩前地区。 The National Parks Board (NParks) has announced the completion of the oil spill clean-up at East Coast Park, reopening beachfront areas for non-primary contact water sports. 然而,由于正在进行的清理工作,游泳和基本接触活动仍被禁止。 However, swimming and primary contact activities remain prohibited due to ongoing cleanup efforts. 这一溢漏是疏浚船与固定船舰碰撞造成的,扩散到新加坡多个海滩。 The spill, caused by a collision between a dredging boat and a stationary bunker vessel, spread to multiple Singapore beaches.