环境部长Grace Fu计划在一个月内完成6月受石油泄漏影响的海滩清理工作。 Sustainability and Environment Minister Grace Fu plans to complete cleanup of June's oil spill-affected beaches within a month.
环境部长Grace Fu宣布计划在下个月内完成清理受六月漏油影响的海滩。 Sustainability and Environment Minister Grace Fu announced plans to complete the cleanup of beaches affected by June's oil spill within the next month. 一艘悬挂荷兰国旗的疏浚船与一艘悬挂新加坡国旗的船舰碰撞,造成石油泄漏,蔓延到多个海滩,包括东海岸公园和Sentosa。 The oil spill, caused by a collision between a Netherlands-flagged dredger and a Singapore-flagged bunker vessel, spread to multiple beaches, including East Coast Park and Sentosa. 清理工作进展顺利,一些海滩已经重新开放,而政府尚未计算清理期间发生的费用。 Cleanup operations are progressing well, with some beaches already reopening, while the government has not yet calculated the cost of expenses incurred during the cleanup.