新西兰航空更新了Airpoints忠诚计划,增加了Shairpoints,简化了分级日期,并改善了分级升级. Air New Zealand updates Airpoints loyalty program with enhanced Shairpoints, simplified tier dates, and improved tier upgrades.
新西兰航空更新了其Airpoints忠诚计划,提供了新的功能,如增强Shairpoints,用于汇集Airpoints美元,简化级别结束日期,以及改进级别升级. Air New Zealand has updated its Airpoints loyalty program, offering new features like enhanced Shairpoints for pooling Airpoints Dollars, simplified tier end dates, and improved tier upgrades. 该航空公司的目的是为即将发生变革的成员创造更有益的旅行经验,在今后12个月里提供“更多赚钱的力量”,包括增加伙伴、奖励和一个新的层次。 The airline aims to create a more rewarding travel experience for members with upcoming changes that will provide "more earning power" over the next 12 months, including additional partners, rewards, and a new tier.