61,421名病人仍然留在昆士兰州可选的外科候诊名单上,平均等待时间为40天。 61,421 patients remain on Queensland's elective surgery waitlist, with a median wait time of 40 days.
61 421名病人仍然留在昆士兰州可选的外科候诊名单上,尽管75%的病人在建议的时限内接受外科手术。 61,421 patients remain on Queensland's elective surgery waitlist, despite 75% of patients receiving surgeries within recommended timeframes. 在6月结束的三个月里,国家进行了近38 000次选修手术,平均等待时间为40天。 The state performed nearly 38,000 elective surgeries in the three months ended June, with a median wait time of 40 days. 反对党领袖戴维·克里萨富利批评该情况是昆士兰历史上"最糟糕的", 而卫生部长农·芬蒂曼则将等待手术的患者数量高归因于人口的增长和老龄化. Opposition leader David Crisafulli criticized the situation as the "worst ever" in Queensland history, while Health Minister Shannon Fentiman attributes the high number of patients waiting for surgery to a growing and ageing population.