新西兰的毛利人社区利用土著知识应对气候变化的影响,重点是土地、海洋和天空保护项目。 Māori communities in New Zealand combat climate change impacts with Indigenous knowledge, focusing on land, sea, and sky conservation projects.
新西兰的毛利人社区正在利用土著知识应对气候变化的影响,实施以陆地、海洋和天空为重点的养护项目。 Māori communities in New Zealand are combating climate change's impacts with Indigenous knowledge, conducting conservation projects that focus on land, sea, and sky. 重新造林和食肉动物控制项目有助于保护土地的自然过滤系统并支持生物多样性。 Reforestation and predator control projects help preserve the land's natural filtration system and support biodiversity. 毛利人文化严重依赖当地植物和动物作为食物、医药和传统,这些努力对维护他们的生活方式至关重要。 Māori culture heavily relies on native plants and animals for food, medicine, and traditions, and these efforts are crucial for preserving their way of life. 毛利人将本地植物视为地球母亲的一部分,目的是在人类活动破坏自然环境之前将环境恢复到其自然状态,为子孙后代保护其文化遗产和做法。 Māori people view native plants as part of the Earth Mother and aim to return the environment to its natural state before human activities disrupted it, protecting their cultural heritage and practices for future generations.