Waitrose 在店内购买任何商品时,都会使用 myWaitrose 卡为顾客提供 2 便士的热饮。 Waitrose offers customers a 2p hot drink with myWaitrose card upon any in-store purchase.
拥有myWaitrose卡的Waitrose客户可以每天以2p的价格购买热饮, Waitrose customers with a myWaitrose card can get a hot drink for 2p daily by making any in-store purchase, even as low as a 2p carrot. 不需要最低费用;顾客可以携带可重复使用的杯子,扫描他们的卡片,从自用机器中选择饮料。 No minimum spend is required; customers can bring their reusable cup, scan their card, and choose their drink from self-serve machines. 该交易由用户@catchagemm在线分享,突出了比价格更高的咖啡或茶选择更实惠的替代品。 The deal was shared online by user @catchagemm, highlighting an affordable alternative to pricier coffee or tea options.