Waitrose向忠诚的成员提供免费咖啡,目的是吸引客户而无需购买。 Waitrose offers free coffee to loyalty members, aiming to attract customers without requiring a purchase.
Waitrose是一家英国超市, 正在重新向所有忠诚计划成员推出免费咖啡, 即使他们不购买。 Waitrose, a British supermarket, is reintroducing its free coffee offer to all loyalty scheme members, even if they don't make a purchase. 该报价最初于2013年启动,但在大流行病期间暂停,然后恢复购买要求。 Initially launched in 2013, the offer was paused during the pandemic and then reinstated with a purchase requirement. 此举旨在吸引中产阶级客户, 与Marks & Spencer竞争, 但因可能吸引非客户进入商店而遭到批评。 The move aims to attract middle-class customers, competing with Marks & Spencer, but has faced criticism for potentially drawing non-customers into stores.