YouTuber CharlieVlogs 分享了一个技巧,通过在 Wetherspoons 订购单独的早餐食品作为配菜,每餐可节省 6.57 英镑。 YouTuber CharlieVlogs shares a hack to save £6.57 per meal at Wetherspoons by ordering individual breakfast items as sides.
YouTuber CharlieVlogs 在 Wetherspoons 分享了一个省钱的小窍门,即订购单独的早餐食品作为配菜,而不是全套英式早餐,每餐可节省约 6.57 英镑。 YouTuber CharlieVlogs has shared a money-saving hack at Wetherspoons by ordering individual breakfast items as sides rather than the full English breakfast, which saves around £6.57 per meal. 据Charlie说,这个提示在中央和非中央地点都起作用。 This tip works at both central and non-central locations, according to Charlie. 通过订购两片培根、烤豆和一个煎蛋作为单独的配菜,顾客可以以 3.43 英镑的价格享用早餐,而不是通常的 10 英镑。 By ordering two rashers of bacon, baked beans, and a fried egg as separate sides, customers can get a breakfast for £3.43 instead of the usual £10 price.