西雅图检察官寻找Miles Hudson, “Belltown Hellcat”, 罪名是违反法院在社交媒体上发布的命令。 Seattle prosecutors seek Miles Hudson, "Belltown Hellcat," for violating court order on social media posting.
Miles Hudson, 被称为“Belltown Hellcat”, 被西雅图检察官通缉, 指控他违反法院命令, 禁止他在社交媒体上张贴内容, Miles Hudson, known as the "Belltown Hellcat," is wanted by Seattle prosecutors for allegedly violating a court order prohibiting him from posting content on social media after gaining notoriety for driving his modified car through the city at night. Hudson的律师辩称,法院的社交媒体命令过于模糊,侵犯了他的委托人的第一修正案的言论自由权利。 Hudson's attorney argues that the court's social media order is too vague and violates his client's First Amendment right to free speech. 哈德森在另一起涉及与母亲争吵的案件中面临另一起25,000美元的逮捕令。 Hudson faces another $25,000 bench warrant in a separate case involving an altercation with his mother.