Joey Miles Strickland因在南卡罗来纳州 袭击和跟踪一名妇女 被拘捕了两周 Joey Miles Strickland arrested for assaulting and stalking a woman over two weeks in South Carolina.
Joey Miles Strickland, 41岁,来自列克星顿郡, 被逮捕并被指控 一级攻击和殴打,绑架和跟踪。 Joey Miles Strickland, a 41-year-old from Lexington County, has been arrested and charged with first-degree assault and battery, kidnapping, and stalking. 指控源于1月14日开始的一起事件,当时Strickland在一个加油站接近一名妇女,后来在她的车道上堵塞她的汽车,试图将她拉进他的车。 The charges stem from an incident that began on January 14 when Strickland approached a woman at a gas station and later blocked her car in her driveway, attempting to pull her into his vehicle. 该妇女用一把卸下的手枪为自己辩护。 The woman defended herself with an unloaded pistol. Strickland随后前往工作场所与同事交谈,造成她的恐惧。 Strickland then went to her workplace and spoke to her coworkers, causing her fear. 他于1月28日被捕。 He was identified through security footage and arrested on January 28.