3 000份答复调查显示,英国居民更喜欢温德米尔等农村地区,因为该流行病期间的偏远工作,他们喜欢混合生活方式。 3,000-respondent survey shows UK residents prefer rural areas like Windermere for blended lifestyle due to remote work during the pandemic.
由Calculator.co.uk进行的3,000份对应调查揭示了一个新的趋势:英国居民更喜欢将宁静和空间混合在农村地区,如温德米尔(Windermere)和湖区(Lake District), 3,000-respondent survey by Calculator.co.uk reveals a new trend: UK residents prefer a blend of tranquility and space in rural areas, like Windermere, Lake District, with city life's convenience and vibrancy. 这一转变是由于大流行病期间的远距离工作,使人们得以迁移。 This shift is due to remote work during the pandemic, allowing people to relocate. 温德米尔的自然美景,户外活动,风景如画的村庄和当地设施使其成为流行病后令人慕的生活方式. Windermere's natural beauty, outdoor activities, picturesque villages, and local amenities make it an envied post-pandemic lifestyle.