美国宾夕法尼亚州布莱顿镇的一名男子在家庭冲突中被警察枪杀; 病情稳定, 住院. Man shot by police during domestic incident in Brighton Township, PA; stable in hospital.
在宾夕法尼亚州布莱顿镇,一名男子在周五晚上的一起家庭事件中被警察枪杀。 In Brighton Township, PA, a man was shot by police during a domestic incident on Friday evening. 这名男子手持两支枪,没有按照军官的指示行事。 The man, armed with two guns, did not follow officers' instructions. 道路被关闭,以便进行调查。 据报,该男子的身份尚未公布,据报在医院内保持稳定。 The road was closed for investigation, and the man, whose identity has not been released, is reported to be stable in the hospital. 布莱顿镇警察正在领导正在进行的调查。 Brighton Township police are leading the ongoing investigation.