Levi & Korsinsky调查思想工程控股公司董事会可能违反信托义务的行为。 Levi & Korsinsky investigates potential fiduciary duty breaches by Thoughtworks Holding Inc's board.
Levi & Korsinsky律师事务所已开始调查思想工程控股公司董事会可能违反信托义务的行为。 Law firm Levi & Korsinsky has initiated an investigation into potential fiduciary duty breaches by Thoughtworks Holding Inc's (TWKS) board of directors. 调查涉及董事会是否违反了它对公司股东的义务,2024年8月4日之前拥有TWKS股票的股东可能有权参加。 The inquiry concerns whether the board violated its duties towards the company's stockholders, and shareholders who owned TWKS stock before Aug 4, 2024, may be entitled to participate. 该公司专门从事证券诉讼,并请有兴趣者在zk.com/mna2/ Thinkworks-控股-Inc-lawuit-subject-form-form或联系Joseph E.Levi方面了解更多情况。 The firm specializes in securities litigation and invites those interested to learn more at zlk.com/mna2/thoughtworks-holding-inc-lawsuit-submission-form or contact Joseph E. Levi.