在班加罗尔第三波咖啡女厕所发现隐藏摄像头,员工被解雇并被捕。 Hidden camera found in Bengaluru Third Wave Coffee women's restroom, employee terminated and arrested.
在印度班加罗尔一家Third Wave Coffee分店的女洗手间发现了一个隐藏的摄像头,该分店由一名后来被解雇并被捕的员工拥有。 A hidden camera was found in the women's restroom of a Third Wave Coffee outlet in Bengaluru, India, owned by an employee who was later terminated and arrested. 电话被藏在垃圾箱里,摄像机通过一个洞暴露,记录了两个小时。 The phone was hidden in the dustbin with the camera exposed through a hole, recording for two hours. 该公司迅速作出反应,强调对这种行为采取零容忍政策,并与当局合作进一步调查。 The company responded swiftly, emphasizing their zero-tolerance policy for such behavior and cooperating with authorities for further investigation. 这一事件引起了人们对公共厕所的隐私和安全的关切。 The incident has raised concerns over privacy and safety in public restrooms.