18岁的Andy Cardenas因在购物中心浴室隐藏相机而被捕,被控侵犯泽西城的隐私。 18-year-old Andy Cardenas arrested for hidden camera in mall bathroom, charged with invasion of privacy in Jersey City.
18岁的Andy Cardenas因据称在泽西市Newport Centre商场的家庭浴室放置了一台隐藏相机而被捕,拍摄了多人的录像。 Eighteen-year-old Andy Cardenas was arrested for allegedly placing a hidden camera in a family bathroom at Newport Centre mall in Jersey City, capturing footage of multiple individuals. 他被控三级侵犯隐私,于10月1日被捕,在出庭前被释放。 Charged with third-degree invasion of privacy, he was apprehended on October 1 and released pending a court appearance. 哈德逊州检察官办公室正在调查并寻求公共援助,以便确定其他涉及的洗手间地点。 The Hudson County Prosecutor's Office is investigating and seeking public assistance to identify additional restroom locations involved.