两名工人因在宿舍洗手间拍摄女学生而被捕,大学官员因玩忽职守而面临指控。 Two workers were arrested for filming female students in hostel bathrooms, and college officials faced charges for negligence.
两名工人因在海得拉巴省CMR工程学院的宿舍洗手间秘密拍摄女学生而被捕。 Two workers were arrested for secretly filming female students in hostel washrooms at CMR College of Engineering in Hyderabad. 学院院长、院长、校长和两名宿舍看守也被指控犯有过失罪,据称是为了保护学院形象而压制事件。 The college's chairman, director, principal, and two hostel wardens were also charged for negligence and allegedly suppressing the incident to protect the college's image. 该案件正在根据《嫖娼法》和《性犯罪法》进行调查。 The case is being investigated under voyeurism and sexual offenses laws. Telangana州妇女委员会对行政部门处理投诉的情况表示关切,并可能建议根据调查结果关闭该学院。 The Telangana State Commission for Women expressed concern over the administration's handling of the complaints and may recommend the college be closed based on the inquiry results.