8月9日,Pueblo的EVRAZ钢铁厂证实发生了一起致命事故,停止了工作,并与OSHA合作进行调查。 9 August, EVRAZ steel mill in Pueblo confirms a fatal accident, halting work and cooperating with OSHA for investigation.
8月9日,Pueblo的EVRAZ钢厂证实发生了一起致命事故,导致所有工作停止,并向该小组提供支持和咨询。 EVRAZ steel mill in Pueblo confirmed a fatal accident on 9 August, resulting in the halt of all work and offering support and counseling to the team. 该公司正与OSHA、联合钢铁工人协会和其他机构合作进行彻底调查,尚未公布进一步详情。 The company is cooperating with OSHA, United Steelworkers, and other agencies for a thorough investigation, with no further details released yet. 这不是第一次事故,因为2023年10月也发生了类似的事故,造成一名工人死亡。 This is not the first incident, as a similar accident occurred in October 2023, resulting in the death of a worker.