美国活动人士成立了全国联盟NOOA,以统一反对海上风电开发的反对意见。 US activists establish national coalition, NOOA, to unify opposition to offshore wind development.
反对近海风力发展的美国活动分子正在组成一个全国联盟,即全国离岸风力反对联盟,以统一和加强其在全国各地打击风力项目的努力。 U.S. activists opposed to offshore wind development are forming a national coalition, the National Offshore-wind Opposition Alliance (NOOA), to unify and strengthen their efforts against wind projects across the country. 该联盟旨在对地方团体的支离破碎运动进行全国性宣传,解决人们对该行业对旅游业、财产价值、渔业和海洋生境的影响的关切。 The coalition aims to bring a national profile to the fractured movement of local groups, addressing concerns about the industry's impact on tourism, property values, fishing, and marine habitats. NOOA保持政治中立,不会接受化石燃料利益集团的捐助。 NOOA maintains political neutrality and will not accept donations from fossil fuel interests.