第八巡回法院维持初审法院的裁决,允许员工根据 EFAA 避免仲裁。 8th Circuit upholds trial court's decision, allowing employee to avoid arbitration under EFAA.
美国第八巡回法院维持了初审法院的决定,即拒绝根据《终止强迫性攻击和性骚扰仲裁法》强制仲裁的动议。 The U.S. 8th Circuit Court upheld a trial court's decision to deny a motion to compel arbitration under the Ending Forced Arbitration of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act (EFAA). 法院将"争端"定义为"冲突或争议",并裁定在EFAA的2022年3月3日生效日期之后,当员工在法庭上提起诉讼时,争端就会出现. The court defined a "dispute" as a "conflict or controversy" and ruled that it arose when an employee initiated a lawsuit in court, after the EFAA's March 3, 2022, effective date. 该雇员被赋予避免仲裁的权利。 The employee was granted the right to avoid arbitration.