马尼托巴省水电公司雇员在停电期间死亡;公司承诺改善安全。 Manitoba Hydro employee dies during power outage work; company commits to safety improvements.
马尼托巴省水电公司雇员在Interlake地区从事停电任务时死亡;公司总裁Allan Danroth表示哀悼,强调安全是重中之重。 Manitoba Hydro employee dies while working on power outage task in Interlake region; company president Allan Danroth offers condolences, emphasizing safety as top priority. 马尼托巴省水电公司与当局合作调查这一事件,报告没有公共安全风险。 Manitoba Hydro cooperates with authorities in investigating the incident and reports no public safety risk. 马尼托巴省每年大约发生1 500起严重的工作场所事件,这突出表明了持续存在的安全关切。 Approximately 1,500 serious workplace incidents occur annually in Manitoba, highlighting ongoing safety concerns. 该公司承诺支持已故雇员的家庭,并实施强化安全措施。 The company pledges to support the deceased employee's family and implement enhanced safety measures.