在尼日利亚卡杜纳州瓜格瓦杰,一辆卡车与一辆没有大灯的高尔夫相撞,造成 11 人死亡,4 人受伤。 11 died, 4 injured in a collision between a truck and a Golf without headlights in Gwargwaje, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
尼日利亚卡杜纳州Gwargwaje的一辆卡车与高尔夫沙龙发生碰撞,造成11人死亡,4人受伤。 11 people died and four injured in a collision between a truck and a Golf salon in Gwargwaje, Kaduna State, Nigeria. 高尔夫沙龙没有车灯,违反交通规则,与卡车相撞。 The Golf salon, without headlights, violated traffic rules and collided with the truck. 事件发生在星期五清晨。 The incident occurred early Friday morning. 联邦道路安全队敦促在Gwargwaje设立一个前哨站,以监测和检查驾车者的过分行为,因为该地区因公路和路边市场繁忙而因违反路线而闻名。 The Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) urges the establishment of an outpost in Gwargwaje to monitor and check motorists' excesses, as the area is known for route violations due to its busy highway and roadside market.