由于疑似拖车制动故障,尼日利亚交通事故造成 7 人死亡,31 人受伤。 Seven killed, 31 injured in Nigerian road accident due to suspected trailer brake failure.
尼日利亚贡贝州 Kaltungo-Cham 路发生交通事故,造成 7 人死亡,31 人受伤。 Seven people were killed and 31 injured in a road accident on Kaltungo-Cham Road in Gombe State, Nigeria. 车祸涉及一辆载有软饮料的拖车和 38 名乘客,联邦道路安全队将事件归因于疑似刹车失灵。 The crash involved a trailer carrying soft drinks and 38 passengers, with the Federal Road Safety Corps attributing the incident to suspected brake failure. FRSC 警告不要使用拖车进行客运,并敦促司机维护他们的车辆以防止发生事故。 The FRSC warned against using trailers for passenger transport and urged drivers to maintain their vehicles to prevent accidents.