亚利桑那州立大学警察局局长迈克尔·汤普森(Michael Thompson)因处理校园抗议活动而退休。 Arizona State University Police Chief Michael Thompson retires amid administrative leave over campus protest handling.
亚利桑那州立大学警察局局长迈克尔·汤普森(Michael Thompson)宣布退休,自8月24日起生效,此前他因担心警察局处理校园抗议活动而被行政休假。 Arizona State University Police Chief Michael Thompson announced his retirement, effective August 24, following his placement on administrative leave due to concerns surrounding the police department's handling of campus protests. 抗议活动涉及亲巴勒斯坦示威者,并呼吁该大学停止与支持以色列的公司开展业务。 The protests involved pro-Palestinian demonstrators and calls for the university to stop doing business with companies supporting Israel.