津巴布韦最高法院驳回了教会就因未付租金而被津巴布韦国家铁路公司驱逐提出的上诉。 Zimbabwe Supreme Court dismisses church's appeal against eviction by National Railways of Zimbabwe due to unpaid rent.
津巴布韦最高法院驳回了修道院教会关于宽恕和延长时间以就驱逐问题向津巴布韦国家铁路公司(NRZ)提出异议的上诉。 The Supreme Court of Zimbabwe dismissed the Redeemed House of God Church's appeal application for a condonation and extension of time to challenge the National Railways of Zimbabwe (NRZ) over eviction. 该教堂最初对NRZ的掠夺令请求失败了,因为高等法院确认,由于未付租金超过20万美元,自2003年以来将其驱逐出出租的房屋。 The church's original spoliation order request against NRZ failed as the High Court confirmed its eviction from premises rented since 2003 due to over $200,000 in unpaid rent. 由于不遵守法院规则,上诉被驳回是第三次。 The appeal dismissal is the third time due to non-compliance with court rules.