据称,在New Westminster餐馆,戴头巾的妇女吐口水,警方调查了可能的仇恨犯罪。 Woman in hijab allegedly spat on in New Westminster restaurant, police investigate as possible hate crime.
据称一名戴头巾的妇女于8月4日在不列颠哥伦比亚省新威斯敏斯特的一家快餐餐厅吐口水。 A woman in a hijab was allegedly spat on at a fast-food restaurant in New Westminster, BC, on August 4th. 新的威斯敏斯特警察局正在调查这一事件,由于嫌疑人对受害者的评论,它可能是一种仇恨犯罪。 The New Westminster Police Department is investigating the incident as a possible hate crime due to the suspect's comments towards the victim. 已通知省份仇恨犯罪部门, 警方正在要求证人提出. The Provincial Hate Crimes Unit has been informed, and the police are asking for witnesses to come forward.