一名64岁女性因在Panera面包店与身穿“巴勒斯坦”运动衫的男子对峙而被指控犯有仇恨罪。 A 64-year-old woman is charged with a hate crime for confronting a man wearing a "Palestine" sweatshirt at a Panera Bread.
一名来自伊利诺伊州达里安的64岁妇女Alexandra Szustakieewicz在Downers Grove的Panera面包店面对一名穿着“巴勒斯坦”运动衫的男子后,被指控犯有仇恨罪。 A 64-year-old woman, Alexandra Szustakiewicz, from Darien, Illinois, has been charged with a hate crime after confronting a man wearing a "Palestine" sweatshirt at a Panera Bread in Downers Grove. 据称,Szustakieewicz大喊大叫,并试图从一名正在记录这一事件的妇女手中打出一部电话。 Szustakiewicz allegedly yelled expletives and tried to hit a phone out of a woman's hand who was recording the incident. 她面临两项仇恨罪和一项轻罪扰乱治安罪。 She faces two counts of hate crime and one count of misdemeanor disorderly conduct. 当局强调,这种行为是不能容忍的,社会每个成员都应得到尊重。 Authorities emphasized that such behavior will not be tolerated and every member of society deserves respect.