2030年风电增长两倍的承诺没有得到实现,Ember报告显示全球预计会翻一番。 2030 wind power tripling commitment not being met, Ember report shows global doubling projected instead.
能源智库Ember的一份报告显示,在联合国气候变化大会上承诺的到2030年将风力发电量增加两倍的全球承诺并未得到兑现。 An energy think tank Ember report reveals that the global commitment to triple wind power by 2030, pledged at the UN Climate Change Conference, is not being met. 研究表明,与 2022 年的基线相比,未来六年风力发电量预计仅翻一番,美国、印度、俄罗斯和日本等国家的风力发电目标落后。 The research shows that only a doubling of wind power is projected over the next six years compared to the 2022 baseline, with countries like the US, India, Russia, and Japan lagging behind in their wind power targets.