新南威尔士州政府削减区域公共汽车补贴,导致通勤者票价增加25x倍。 NSW government cuts regional bus subsidies, causing up to 25x fare increase for commuters.
新南威尔士州政府削减对区域公共汽车路线的补贴,导致一些通勤者票价增加25倍。 NSW government cuts subsidies on regional bus routes, leading to up to 25x increase in fares for some commuters. Eden-Bomadarry和Lismore-Tweed Head公路上存在特许权费,原因是对私营公共汽车承包商提供补贴。 Concession fares existed on Eden-Bomaderry and Lismore-Tweed Heads routes due to subsidies for private bus contractors. 反对党批评政府让地区社区旅行更加困难。 Opposition criticizes the government for making travel more difficult for regional communities. 州政府计划实施新的战略综合运输计划,以改善特许权准入。 The state government plans to implement new strategic integrated transport plans to improve concession access.