不列颠哥伦比亚省政府在两年内将癌症病人旅行和住宿经费增加2 000万美元。 British Columbia government expands cancer patient travel & accommodation funding by $20m over 2 years.
不列颠哥伦比亚省政府已宣布为癌症患者的差旅费和住宿费增加2 000万美元,为期两年的供资,增加了先前的1 000万美元承诺。 The British Columbia government has announced a $20 million, two-year funding expansion for cancer patients' travel and accommodation expenses, adding to the previous $10 million commitment. 向加拿大癌症协会提供的资金为249个社区的1 400名病人提供支助,2023年提供了11 722个免费住宿夜。 The funds, provided to the Canadian Cancer Society, support 1,400 patients from 249 communities, with 11,722 nights of free lodging offered in 2023. 该倡议旨在减轻财政负担和支助病人,特别是边远地区的病人。 The initiative aims to alleviate financial burdens and support patients, particularly those in remote areas.