在印度尼西亚发现的70万岁的H.Floresiensis遗骸表明,可能将身高减少到比以前想象的短2.4英寸。 700,000-year-old H. floresiensis remains discovered in Indonesia indicate possible height reduction to 2.4 inches shorter than previously believed.
在印度尼西亚发现的70万年的牙齿和手臂骨表明,霍比特人(H. Florresiensis)可能甚至比最初想象的要小。 700,000-year-old teeth and arm bones discovered in Indonesia suggest that the Hobbit humans, or H. floresiensis, may have been even smaller than initially thought. 位于H. Florresiensis发现处附近的露天地点Mata Menge的新发现表明,这些古代人类亲属可能比以前想象的短2.4英寸。 New findings from Mata Menge, an open-air site near where H. floresiensis remains were found, indicate that these ancient human relatives could have been 2.4 inches shorter than previously believed. 研究小组分析了小手臂骨块和牙齿,以支持其研究结果,这些结果刊登在《自然通讯》杂志上。 The research team analyzed the tiny arm bone fragment and teeth to support their findings, which were published in the journal Nature Communications. 这项研究旨在揭示这些早期人类的进化历史和灭绝。 The study aims to shed light on the evolutionary history and extinction of these early human species.