阿根廷发现的 21,000 年前被屠宰的巨型犰狳遗骸表明人类早在南美洲就已存在。 21,000-year-old butchered giant armadillo remains in Argentina suggest earlier human presence in South America.
阿根廷发现的 21,000 年前的巨型犰狳屠宰残骸证明人类在南美洲的存在时间比之前认为的要早得多。 21,000-year-old butchered remains of a giant armadillo found in Argentina provide evidence of human presence in South America much earlier than previously realized. 化石骨骼上有切痕,表明早期人类曾在该地区利用大型哺乳动物。 The fossilized bones show cut marks, suggesting that early humans exploited large mammals in the region. 这一发现进一步表明,美洲人类定居的时间比最初想象的要早得多,可能早在 25,000 年前。 This discovery adds to recent findings that indicate the Americas were settled far earlier than initially thought, possibly as much as 25,000 years ago.