政府推动扩大能源电网,旨在创造数千个就业机会和支持可再生能源。 Government pushes energy grid expansion, aiming to create thousands of jobs and support renewable energy.
政府正大力扩大国家能源网,预计将在全国创造数千个就业机会。 The government is pushing ahead with a major expansion of the national energy grid, which is expected to create thousands of jobs across the country. 该项目旨在更新和扩大目前的基础设施,以支持可再生能源,提高可靠性,降低消费者成本。 This project aims to modernize and expand the current infrastructure to support renewable energy sources, improving reliability and reducing costs for consumers. 关于具体工作数量和确切地点的细节仍然不清楚。 Details on specific job numbers and exact locations remain unclear.