2024年:在新加坡举行的中国Yuchai国际有限公司AGM,所有决议均通过。 2024: China Yuchai International Ltd. AGM held in Singapore, all resolutions passed.
中国发动机制造商中国Yuchai国际有限公司(CYD)于2024年8月7日在新加坡举行AGM。 China Yuchai International Ltd. (CYD), a Chinese engine manufacturer, held its AGM on August 7, 2024, in Singapore. 所有拟议决议都获得通过,该公司通过其下属的广西尤猜机械公司生产车辆、建筑设备、海事和农业的发动机。 All proposed resolutions were passed, and the company, through its subsidiary Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Company, produces engines for vehicles, construction equipment, marine, and agriculture. 尤猜公司成立于1951年,在中国拥有强大的市场份额和声誉,2023年销售313 493台发动机。 Established in 1951, Yuchai has a strong market share and reputation in China, selling 313,493 engines in 2023.