Yutong公司在英国发射电动T75e卡车,目标是零排放车队业务。 Yutong launches electric T75e truck in UK, targeting zero-emission fleet operations.
中国商用汽车制造商Yutong正在联合王国启动一辆7.5吨的电动卡车T75e,旨在支持向零排放作业过渡的车队。 Yutong, a Chinese commercial vehicle maker, is launching an electric 7.5-tonne truck, the T75e, in the UK, aimed at supporting fleets transitioning to zero-emission operations. 该卡车的射程超过180英里,并有三个ePTO选项,适合各种身体类型。 With a range over 180 miles and three ePTO options, the truck is suitable for various body types. Pelican工程小组将处理销售和事务,并将为2025年4月开始的试验提供车辆演示。 Pelican Engineering Group will handle sales and servicing, and demo vehicles will be available for trials starting April 2025.