4只白尾海鹰小鸡被放入爱尔兰的基拉尼国家公园, 4 white-tailed sea eagle chicks released into Ireland's Killarney National Park as part of a reintroduction program.
4只白尾海雕雏鸟是来自挪威的27批次中的一部分,作为重新引入计划的一部分,正在被释放到基拉尼国家公园,以恢复爱尔兰生态系统中的物种。 4 white-tailed sea eagle chicks, part of a 27-strong batch from Norway, are being released into Killarney National Park as part of a reintroduction program to restore the species in Ireland's ecosystem. 该方案始于2007年,分阶段释放了100多个小鸡,所有小鸡都配有卫星标签,以跟踪它们的动向。 This program, which began in 2007, has released over 100 chicks in phases, all fitted with satellite tags to track their movements. 白尾海鹰是爱尔兰最大的猎鸟,在食用肉类和鱼食时受到社区的欢迎,没有关于活羔羊的报告。 White-tailed sea eagles, the largest of Ireland's birds of prey, are largely welcomed by the community as they feed on carrion and fish, with no reports of live lambs being taken.