世界粮食计划署,荷兰基督教援助和瑞士机构在津巴布韦布拉瓦约发起城市现金补助和恢复能力计划,支持饥荒期间的弱势群体. WFP, Dutch Christian Aid, and Swiss Agency launch urban cash grants and resilience program in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, supporting vulnerable groups during famine.
世界粮食计划署 (WFP) 与荷兰基督教援助和瑞士发展与合作机构的资金一起, 在津巴布韦布拉瓦约启动了一项城市现金补助和恢复能力计划, 以支持饥荒期间的弱势群体. The World Food Programme (WFP) with Dutch Christian Aid and Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation funding launched an urban cash grants and resilience programme in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe to support vulnerable groups during famine. 该方案赋予女户主家庭和青年建立小企业的权力,惠及31 000人,并通过职业技能培训和小企业发展支持1 000人。 The programme empowers women-headed households and youths to establish small businesses, reaching 31,000 people and supporting 1,000 with vocational skills training and small business development. 受益者的生活和生意有所改善。 Beneficiaries have seen improvements in their lives and businesses.