非洲开发银行向布基纳法索提供39.2百万美元贷款,用于青年技能发展和复原力项目。 African Development Bank provides $39.2m loan to Burkina Faso for youth skill development and resilience project.
非洲开发银行向布基纳法索提供3 920万美元贷款,用于一个侧重于青年特别是妇女的技能发展和复原力的项目。 African Development Bank grants $39.2m loan to Burkina Faso for a project that focuses on skill development and resilience among youth, especially women. 支持复原力技能发展多部门项目将创造20 000个就业机会,间接惠及175 000人,促进人权、建设和平和远程学习。 The Multisectoral Project to Support Skills Development for Resilience will create 20,000 jobs, indirectly benefit 175,000 individuals, and promote human rights, peacebuilding, and distance learning. 资金来自非洲发展基金捐助的1 320万美元和过渡支助基金捐助的2 600万美元。 It's financed by a $13.2m contribution from the African Development Fund and $26m from the Transition Support Facility.