Westerfield Heka大麻药店因与房东和投资者的法律纠纷而关闭。 Westfield's Heka cannabis dispensary closed due to legal disputes with landlords and investors.
Westfield的Heka大麻药房关闭了,理由是与房东和投资者多年的法律纠纷。 Westfield's Heka cannabis dispensary has closed, citing years of legal disputes with landlords and investors as the reason. 店铺位于Turnpike附近,向顾客提供娱乐和医疗用产品。 Located near the Turnpike, the store offered recreational and medical-use products to customers. 关闭是通过在商店前台发出通知宣布的,该公司的未来计划仍然不明朗,因为其总裁尚未答复询问。 The closure was announced through a notice on the storefront, and the future plans of the company remain unclear as its president has not yet responded to inquiries.