玛莎葡萄园岛唯一的大麻药房 Island Time 因供应短缺而暂时关闭,影响了医疗和娱乐用户。 Martha's Vineyard's only cannabis dispensary, Island Time, temporarily closed due to supply shortage, affecting medical and recreational users.
玛莎葡萄园岛面临大麻短缺的威胁,超过 230 名注册医疗吸食者和数千名娱乐吸食者受到影响。 Martha's Vineyard faces a potential pot shortage, affecting 230+ registered medical users and thousands of recreational users. 岛上唯一的大麻药房 Island Time 因库存售罄而暂时关闭,另一家药房预计到 9 月份也将售罄。 The island's only cannabis dispensary, Island Time, temporarily closed due to selling out of supplies, and the other dispensary is expected to sell out by September. 此次危机导致Island Time的所有者提起诉讼,并成为监管机构的首要任务。 This crisis led to a lawsuit filed by Island Time's owner and has become a priority for regulators.