Binghamton的大麻店主由于在许可证发放方面的法律质疑而面临开业延误。 Cannabis store owners in Binghamton face opening delay due to legal challenge over licensing.
纽约Binghamton的一家大麻店由兄弟姐妹Daron和Regina Driscoll拥有,由于法律上的挑战,该店的开业受到拖延。 A cannabis store in Binghamton, New York, owned by siblings Daron and Regina Driscoll, faces a delay in opening due to a legal challenge. 计划在感恩节前推出的 Cotton Mouth Dispensary 遇到了障碍,因为法官以可能违反监管规定为由阻止了大麻许可申请的处理。 Cotton Mouth Dispensary, which planned to launch before Thanksgiving, hit a snag when a judge blocked the processing of cannabis licensing applications, citing potential regulatory violations. 延误使Driscoll一家为商店开张做准备的Driscoll一家受到挫败。 The delay frustrates the Driscolls, who had prepared the store for opening. 与此同时,宾汉顿将很快开设几个新的药房,预计2024年该州将有超过10亿美元的大麻销售收入。 Meanwhile, Binghamton is set to see several new dispensaries open soon, with the state expecting over $1 billion in cannabis sales revenue in 2024.