印第安纳州农业部从大会拨款200万美元给粮食银行,用于应对影响95万居民的粮食不安全问题。 Indiana State Department of Agriculture allocates $2m from the General Assembly to food banks to combat food insecurity affecting over 950,000 residents.
印第安纳州农业部向粮食银行拨款200万美元,用于消除2022年影响到95万以上居民的粮食无保障状况,其中包括每5名儿童中就有1名儿童。 Indiana State Department of Agriculture allocates $2m to food banks to combat food insecurity that impacted over 950,000 residents in 2022, including 1 in 5 children. 这笔资金来自印第安纳州大会,将分配给 11 家食品银行,帮助他们为印第安纳州的食品储藏室和施粥处提供更多资源。 The funding comes from the Indiana General Assembly and will be distributed among 11 food banks, helping them provide more resources to pantries and soup kitchens throughout Indiana. 资金的划分是根据紧急粮食援助方案的数据确定的。 The division of funds was determined using data from The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP).