根据Esri India和IPE-Global的一项研究,84%的印度地区面临极端热浪和极端降雨事件增加,建议采用数据驱动的方法和观测站进行气候风险管理。 84% of Indian districts face increased extreme heat waves and extreme rainfall events, according to a study by Esri India and IPE-Global, recommending data-driven approaches and observatories for climate risk management.
根据 Esri India 和 IPE-Global 的一项研究,印度 84% 的地区面临极端热浪,其中 70% 的地区经历了极端降雨事件的频率和强度增加。 84% of Indian districts face extreme heat waves, with 70% experiencing increased frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events, according to a study by Esri India and IPE-Global. 这项研究着重指出,过去30年极端热浪日大量增加,增加了15倍,过去十年增加了19倍。 The study highlights a significant increase in extreme heat wave days in the last 30 years, with a 15-fold increase, and a 19-fold increase in the last decade. 报告指出,数据驱动办法对于知情决策、气候变化适应和复原力建设至关重要,并建议建立气候风险观测站和超群风险评估,以保护印度农业、工业和基础设施免受气候变化影响。 The report suggests that a data-driven approach is crucial for informed policy decisions, climate adaptation, and resilience building, and recommends establishing climate-risk observatories and hyper-granular risk assessments to protect Indian agriculture, industry, and infrastructure from climate change impacts.