中方敦促国际刑院尊重苏丹司法主权,支持苏丹努力打击达尔富尔案有罪不罚。 China urges the ICC to respect Sudan's judicial sovereignty and support national efforts to combat impunity in the Darfur case.
中国常驻联合国副代表戴炳呼吁国际刑事法院在处理达尔富尔案件时尊重苏丹的司法主权和正当关切。 China's Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Dai Bing, has called for the International Criminal Court (ICC) to respect Sudan's judicial sovereignty and legitimate concerns while processing the Darfur case. 中国支持以政治方式解决冲突, 敦促国际刑事法院考虑苏丹及地区局势的复杂性和敏感性, China supports a political solution to the conflict, urging the ICC to take into account the complexity and sensitivity of the situation in Sudan and the region, and refrain from "unwarranted intervention." 戴一强调,中国支持苏丹努力改进司法工作,发展打击有罪不罚的国家能力。 Dai has emphasized that China supports Sudan's efforts to improve its administration of justice and develop its national capacity to combat impunity.