32岁的Doncaster男子在车祸、枪击和劫车未遂后被捕;现场安全,调查仍在进行。 32-year-old Doncaster man arrested after car crash, gunfire, and attempted carjacking; scene safe, investigations ongoing.
一名32岁的男子在墨尔本Doncaster被捕,据称他在Williamsons路和Manningham公路交汇处发生两车撞车事件后开枪。 A 32-year-old man was arrested in Doncaster, Melbourne, after allegedly firing a gun following a two-car crash near the intersection of Williamsons and Manningham roads. 这名男子据说企图劫车,但被旁观者制服。 The man, who reportedly attempted a carjacking, was subdued by bystanders. 警察在现场缴获了一把左轮手枪。 Police seized a revolver at the scene. 据报公众没有受伤,但该男子受轻伤。 No injuries were reported among the public, but the man sustained minor injuries. 调查正在进行中,威廉斯公路北行道暂时关闭。 Investigations are ongoing, and northbound lanes on Williamsons Road were temporarily closed.